Forschung als Herausforderung für Ethik und Menschenrechte
50 Jahre Deklaration von Helsinki (1964 – 2014)
How can we best protect human participants and vulnerable populations in an increasingly complex and global research environment? In the 21st century many scientific questions will have to be tackled and hopefully be solved through a process involving studies on human participants. At the same time, we need to recognise that we have seen unprecedented breaches of medical morality and human rights in the field of human experiments during the preceding 20th century. For the last 50 years, the Declaration of Helsinki has attempted to serve as a landmark to guide research and science, medical ethics and law, patients and politics. The present Yearbook aims to contribute to a deeper understanding about the historical developments which have shaped research on humans in the past, and thus create greater ethical sensitivity in the conduct of scientific studies in the future. It does so by bringing together the work of leading experts from the fields of bioethics, the medical sciences, philosophy and history on a subject of individual and collective significance.
Mit der Dokumentation der 15. Sommertagung des Arbeitskreis medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vom 20.-21.06.2014 in Berlin.
Medical Ethics/Medizin-Ethik 27 — Jahrbuch des Arbeitskreises Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
ISBN 978 – 3-769 – 13565-7