Forschung als Her­aus­forderung für Ethik und Menschenrechte

50 Jahre Dekla­ra­tion von Helsinki (1964 – 2014)

Andreas Frewer, ​Ulf Schmidt (Hrsg.). Verlag Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-​Verlag, 2014

How can we best pro­tect human par­tic­i­pants and vul­ner­a­ble pop­u­la­tions in an increas­ingly com­plex and global research envi­ron­ment? In the 21st cen­tury many sci­en­tific ques­tions will have to be tack­led and hope­fully be solved through a process involv­ing stud­ies on human par­tic­i­pants. At the same time, we need to recog­nise that we have seen unprece­dented breaches of med­ical moral­ity and human rights in the field of human exper­i­ments dur­ing the pre­ced­ing 20th cen­tury. For the last 50 years, the Dec­la­ra­tion of Helsinki has attempted to serve as a land­mark to guide research and sci­ence, med­ical ethics and law, patients and pol­i­tics. The present Year­book aims to con­tribute to a deeper under­stand­ing about the his­tor­i­cal devel­op­ments which have shaped research on humans in the past, and thus cre­ate greater eth­i­cal sen­si­tiv­ity in the con­duct of sci­en­tific stud­ies in the future. It does so by bring­ing together the work of lead­ing experts from the fields of bioethics, the med­ical sci­ences, phi­los­o­phy and his­tory on a sub­ject of indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive significance.

Mit der Doku­men­ta­tion der 15. Som­merta­gung des Arbeit­skreis medi­zinis­cher Ethik-​Kommissionen in der Bun­desre­pub­lik Deutsch­land vom 20.-21.06.2014 in Berlin.


Medical Ethics/Medizin-​Ethik 27 — Jahrbuch des Arbeit­skreises Medi­zinis­cher Ethik-​Kommissionen in der Bun­desre­pub­lik Deutschland

ISBN 9783-​76913565-​7