AKEK research award

The Association of Medical Ethics Committees awards a prize for outstanding scientific work.

Papers can be awarded that relate to the aims, position and work of medical ethics committees, deal with the ethical-legal evaluation of biomedical and epidemiological research projects or address research ethics and law issues in the field of medicine in Germany.

AKEK reasearch award 2021

The papers (publications, master theses, dissertations or post-doctoral theses) should not be older than 3 years at the time of submission. In the case of papers submitted by several authors, the contribution of each author must be clearly identifiable and accurately described.
The prize of 1,000 euros is to be awarded at the summer meeting of the working group on June 17, 2021, and is associated with a lecture by the prize winner.

Self-applications are also encouraged.
The documents – cover letter, CV and research paper; in the case of master’s theses, dissertations and post-doctoral theses also the corresponding expert reports – should be sent electronically to the office if possible.

Previous award winners

Sophie-​Charlotte Götz et​.al.

“Arzneimit­tel­prü­fung an nicht ein­willi­gungs­fähi­gen Erwach­se­nen: Kri­tis­che Bew­er­tung der neuen geset­zlichen Regelung durch medi­zinis­che Ethikkom­mis­sio­nen in Deutsch­land”

Hol­ger Lang­hof, MPH

“Prac­tice eval­u­a­tion of biobank ethics and gov­er­nance: cur­rent needs and future perspectives”

Dr. Gre­gor Scherzinger und Prof. Dr. Monika Bob­bert

“Eval­u­a­tion of Research Ethics Com­mit­tees: Cri­te­ria for the Eth­i­cal Qual­ity of the Review Process”

Sophie-​Charlotte Götz et​.al.

“Arzneimit­tel­prü­fung an nicht ein­willi­gungs­fähi­gen Erwach­se­nen: Kri­tis­che Bew­er­tung der neuen geset­zlichen Regelung durch medi­zinis­che Ethikkom­mis­sio­nen in Deutsch­land”

Hol­ger Lang­hof, MPH

“Prac­tice eval­u­a­tion of biobank ethics and gov­er­nance: cur­rent needs and future perspectives”

Dr. Gre­gor Scherzinger und Prof. Dr. Monika Bob­bert

“Eval­u­a­tion of Research Ethics Com­mit­tees: Cri­te­ria for the Eth­i­cal Qual­ity of the Review Process”

Dr. Scar­lett Jansen

“Forschung an Ein­willi­gung­sun­fähi­gen: Ins­beson­dere strafrechtliche und ver­fas­sungsrechtliche Aspekte der fremd­nützi­gen Forschung”

Dr. Cate­rina Wehage

“Klin­is­che Prü­fun­gen an Notfallpatienten”

Dr. Pia Erd­mann

“Zufalls­be­funde aus bildgeben­den Ver­fahren in pop­u­la­tions­basierter Forschung — Eine empirische Unter­suchung zur Ganzkörper-​MRT in SHIP